It was a fantastic experience. At the end I said ... "'I'm saying goodbye to internet dating, I'm going to come back to you until I find my soulmate."
It could have been like speed dating but it wasn't. The invitation was different. It was just to explore whatever connection you had with each person. I had some very moving moments with men I wouldn't have met otherwise.

I found the day itself very refreshing. I really liked the one to one work and the small groups. It was very different to anything that I have done before. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Paul
I felt cared for during the day.
I loved the one to one meetings, and the mixture of choice and chance involved.
I felt completely safe and supported, whilst being gently encouraged to challenge myself. It was very powerful.
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...this event yielded such interesting people. I'm single and I was looking for a way to increase my social contacts rather than a specific date. It was a way of networking.
I met one of the men afterwards in London. We had a great time together. I would definitely do one of these days again. Tania.
I also liked the way we kept connecting to different people during the meal and tea breaks. We mingled which was fun.
I thought the day was led in a very safe and challenging way. I really was who I am. I liked the way Jan connected us to others, and the way we had time to explore those different connections.
This workshop has really helped me see & experience how to approach relationships in a way that will probably serve me and the other. Jonathan
A beautifully held space for connections to emerge. Simple exercises which bring awareness to what’s important to me when connecting with others
For me, this is an interactive, skilfully held event for single people rather than a dating event so there is no pressure and, probably, because of this I was relaxed and made some good connections. Adrian