Are you looking for love, connection, intimacy and relationship?
Are you finding it hard to meet the right person?
Have you tried the Internet, speed dating or the singles scene and felt it ring a bit hollow? Are you looking for more but not quite sure how to find it?
It can be tough to make real connections in our fast and busy, big city lives. Work, pubs, clubs and the dating industry can feel like a market place.
So where and how do we find and meet each other in a different way?
Next Dates
- Sat, 22 FebBristol
- Sun, 27 AprLondon
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"I would like to thank you, and your team, for creating such a remarkable workshop on Sunday.
During the day it was a pleasure to be present and on reflection I am mightily impressed by the workshop structure.
I recall at the end of the day saying to you that the workshop had been everything I expected.
Tonight I hope to get some sleep!
The follow through, for want of a better word, has been stunning. It has been a long time since I have generated such beautiful tears of joy and self love.
My heartfelt thanks for the power you and the group brought into the room on Sunday. A friend recently described me as spiralling upwards. This has been a super charge experience." Rob
This exciting event has been specifically designed and developed to provide a very different kind of experience for people who are looking for love and partnership.
We invite you to participate in a wonderful day. In a gender-balanced group, we will explore how to meet each other more authentically as men and women. The day has been carefully structured to help this happen with fun and creative exercises to open and relax you. Originally developed by Jan Day, and now run by her School of Being teachers, it is safe, supportive and both professionally and compassionately delivered.
It is a singles event that includes mind, body, heart and soul, alongside humour and tenderness, movement and laughter.
Whether you meet your soul mate or not, it is a great opportunity to enjoy, and maybe risk, being a little (or a lot!) more intimate and human and alive.